Revolver Experience Hotels
Experience Led Hotels
UK & Europe
Hotel Investments In Europe
Eblana Capital Partners Aquire 100% of Revolver Hotels
Average IRR
Average Investment
Europen Experience Hotel Market
Revolver Hotels is a design led hotel chain with two locations currently deployed in the United Kingdom with a pipeline of 20+ locations identified for a European roll out over the next five years.
The Revolver platform provides attractive property investor IRR returns on property assets. With the market demand increasing for experience led hospitality brands Revolver is the perfect hotels brand to meet younger traveler's requirements with a focus on social experience led travel.
With the ability to follow the form of an existing building, and providing a flexible mix of rooms, dorms, apartments and luxury rooms Revolver is the perfect balance of fun experience led hostel and upmarket design hotel.
Properties include family rooms, shared dorms, private rooms and apartments designed to ensure the best yield on the properties whilst providing the best returns for our property owners.
Perfect for repurposed office spaces, refurbishment and existing properties alike the Revolver brand is a flexible conversion option for all types of vacant real estate, ideally positioned in or near city centres or beachfront property in Europe.
Focusing on quality shared spaces, health and wellness spaces and an active bar and tour desk Revolver is a European Experience Led Hotel brand able to scale.
With flexible operating agreements and the options for lease, buy to lease or outright purchase Revolver is the perfect operating partner for your real estate asset.
We are currently seeking capital city locations and secondary metropolitan cities for the rollout of this platform, with the ability to purchase, lease or lease to purchase distressed assets requiring refurbishment, turnkey assets and the acquisition of existing hostel and hotel brands in Europe.